
《The works of architecture of Robert and James Adam》是建筑史上最著名的书之一,包含了Adam兄弟收集和重金购买的插图。从1770年开始这106插图的板缩影的影响几代英国和美国的建筑与家具设计的样式。此本大约出版于1901-1902年。

Robert Adam, 1728–92, and James Adam, 1730–94, Scottish architects, brothers. They designed important public and private buildings in England and Scotland and numerous interiors, pieces of furniture, and decorative objects. Robert possessed the great creative talents, with his brother James serving chiefly as his assistant. Robert Adam designed his buildings to achieve the most harmonious relation between the exterior, the interior, and the furniture. His light, elegant, and essentially decorative style was a free, personal reconstitution of antique motifs. He drew upon numerous sources including earlier English Palladian architecture, French and Italian Renaissance architecture, and the antique monuments themselves as he knew them through publications and personal investigation. Adam himself contributed an important study, Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian at Spalatro in Dalmatia (1764). For decorative painting, Adam employed such artists as Angelica Kauffmann and Antonio Zucchi. The Adam manner gained great favor in his day, and designs in the Adam style have never ceased to appear. Especially interesting examples of Adam planning and decoration are Osterly Park, Middlesex (1761–80); Syon House, Middlesex (1762–69); and Luton Hoo, Bedfordshire (1768–75). The brothers wrote Works in Architecture of Robert and James Adam (3 vol., 1778–1822). Robert was architect to the king from 1762 until 1768, when he was succeeded by James. Robert Adam was buried in Westminster Abbey.




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